New Years Resolutions

To play scrabble.

To not miss zumba class.

To see other cemeteries.

To find an other Glucksmann Andre.

To have something to talk about.

To have someone to talk about.

To bark.

To bake.

To prove Murakami, South of the border, west of the sun wrong.

To use my ink pens. Blue and brown.

To get it together.

To stop cutting my hair.

To get used to eye contacts.

To take the long road.

To get a bike cycle.

To not take myself serious.

To go to the forest.

To not go to the wedding.

To not eat alone.

To bake my bread.

To wear lipstick.

To buy silver.

To fix my watch.

To wear green.

To get out.

To get out of the house.

To go out.

To go.

To make it.




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